Prevention is better than cure: Why information transformation is your best defence against a data breach.
Tuesday, 12 September | 12:00 PM AEST | Register now
Iron Mountain
The impact of a data breach on an organisation can be devastating. So, knowing how to secure and protect your information and data is critical. To protect against possible data breaches, organisations need to embark on organising, securing, digitising and unlocking value from their information and data. A process we call ‘information transformation’.

Hear from award-winning cyber resilience specialist Simone Herbert-Lowe and Iron Mountain’s Tom Harrison and Steve Strang as they explore the critical significance of best practice information management and the legal and business considerations and consequences of poorly managed data.
What you'll learn
During the session our speakers will explore:

  • The true cost of a data breach and the pitfalls experienced by the recent high profile Australian cases
  • What information transformation is, why it’s business critical and how to achieve it.
  • How to effectively manage the lifecycle of physical and digital data.
  • What you can do to minimise the impact of a data breach in your organisation.
  • The latest thinking on securely storing, protecting and managing your information and data.
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Simone Herbert-Lowe
Simone Herbert-Lowe
Director, Law & Cyber

Simone acts for businesses impacted by cyber events. She has nearly 30 years of experience as a lawyer including 20 years managing legal claims against professionals. Since 2017, Simone’s practice has focused on cyber risk and she has provided expert evidence in Supreme Court proceedings related to email-enabled fraud. Simone has an MBA (Executive) from AGSM, a Master of Law & Management from AGSM/UNSW Law, and bachelor’s degrees in Law and Arts from UNSW. In 2016 she was awarded AGSM’s Wanbil Lee Prize for Ethical Leadership in Business.
Tom Harrison
Tom Harrison
Senior Client Principal - Professional Services, Iron Mountain

Tom heads up Iron Mountain’s professional services team for digital transformation and the content services platform portfolio. Tom has held global executive positions for multinational businesses, with expertise in developing and executing strategy and managing the day-to-day operations and service delivery of data centres across Asia. He has also worked extensively in IT transformation across federal, state and local government organisations.
Steve Strang
Steve Strang
Country Sales Manager ANZ, Iron Mountain

Steve is a highly experienced country sales manager for Iron Mountain’s Global Industries division. For the past 20 years, he's held executive roles in sales and operations for SMEs and with large corporates in digital management and information industries across the ANZ region. He holds a Master of Management from the Norwegian Business School and Diploma from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
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